Push your Twitter updates to Facebook

Facebook and Twitter - Update your Facebook status with TwitterBoth Twitter and Facebook have the same question when you login – ‘What are you doing now?’. If you are one among those who update Twitter and Facebook simultaneously, here’s a Facebook app by Twitter that automatically pushes your Twitter updates to your Facebook account, meaning, it updates your Facebook status right when you update your Twitter.

Lets start. We assume you have a Facebook and a Twitter account, with a little knowledge about adding an app to your Facebook (its simple, a few clicks away).

Login to your Facebook(facebook.com). You can search ‘Twitter’ in the search box at the top right, and select Twitter application by Twitter(Author) or click here(apps.facebook.com/twitter) for the direct app link. Click ‘Go to application’ on the left pane right below Twitter/app logo. You’ll have to grant access for Twitter app by clicking Allow.

Facebook - Twitter Access

In the next step, you’ll have to input your Twitter login credentials.

Facebook - Twitter Login Credentials

Once you login, your Friends Timeline will be pulled here. You can update your Twitter from here. In the application homepage, you should be able to notice a Facebook button that reads ‘Want to update you Facebook Status? Click here’. Click the link and grant it access to update your Facebook. Done! Now, whenever you update your Twitter, be it from Twitter homepage or even from a client, your Facebook status will also be updated. You can find me on Twitter (@JosephCS) and on Facebook (facebook.com/JosephChristopher)

The next post will be on selectively updating your Facebook status with Twitter.